
I just quit my job and now I’m freaking out

I saw a similar post with almost this same title here, but I’m feeling it too, so bear with me. I literally just quit my job. I’ve been dreading the place so much. I called out last Thursday and Friday, but over the weekend the dread became too much. It really sucks, though! I was getting paid enough to make my bills, it was a two minute walk from my new place, it was the perfect schedule, and I love the field. But it was SO toxic. Like toxic positivity. They would say something rude to you but spin it in way that sounded like it was just for information. And it was so damn disorganized when it came to how you were managed. There were various oppositional methodologies and philosophies of how to do your job and if you were doing one of them that someone told you to…

I saw a similar post with almost this same title here, but I’m feeling it too, so bear with me.

I literally just quit my job. I’ve been dreading the place so much. I called out last Thursday and Friday, but over the weekend the dread became too much.

It really sucks, though! I was getting paid enough to make my bills, it was a two minute walk from my new place, it was the perfect schedule, and I love the field.

But it was SO toxic. Like toxic positivity. They would say something rude to you but spin it in way that sounded like it was just for information. And it was so damn disorganized when it came to how you were managed. There were various oppositional methodologies and philosophies of how to do your job and if you were doing one of them that someone told you to do, you’d be told by another person to stop and do it a different way, the. They’d come back and say, “well if that person told you to do it that way then that’s how you should do it.” You couldn’t make sense of what was going on.

And to beat all, my supervisor told me that because a I’m a man I can’t handle complex instruction, and then treated me like shit every day. My main boss said I needed to “be an adult and talk it out with them”

I walked in there five minutes before the shift started, grabbed my things, left a note on the boss’ desk and left before she got there.

I have no back up plan. I’m freaking out almost in a full blown panic.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Any advice, words of wisdom or comfort, or affirmation, or even disapproval would be much appreciated.

Sorry if this is frantic. I’m feeling pretty frantic.

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