
I just quit my job because my boss made me cry..

I just quit my job. I work for minimum wage (learning disability + mental illness+abusive home life=high school drop out) so it's not as crazy as some of the stories on here but whatever. I've worked at the same place for 4 years, started working full time when I was 16. A year ago we got a new boss and the store has just been steadily falling apart since then, she's a hot head that makes people miserable and she has next to no leadership skills. I've been doing my best to help out around the place to keep things running as smoothly as possible but it's been so frustrating and lately I just stopped caring. I'm busting my ass for next to nothing in return. Few weeks ago I got a repetitive strain injury in my shoulder that's really painful so I've been taking precautions not to enflame It,…

I just quit my job. I work for minimum wage (learning disability + mental illness+abusive home life=high school drop out) so it's not as crazy as some of the stories on here but whatever. I've worked at the same place for 4 years, started working full time when I was 16. A year ago we got a new boss and the store has just been steadily falling apart since then, she's a hot head that makes people miserable and she has next to no leadership skills. I've been doing my best to help out around the place to keep things running as smoothly as possible but it's been so frustrating and lately I just stopped caring. I'm busting my ass for next to nothing in return. Few weeks ago I got a repetitive strain injury in my shoulder that's really painful so I've been taking precautions not to enflame It, and I can tell it really annoys boss lady that I can't do as much as I used to, and makes comments like “your young, you can do It, just wait till you're my age,” and stuff like that. Today she asked me to do a task that I know will hurt my back/shoulder, and is also not a task that even needs to be done.(which is honestly par for the course, she doesn't put a lot of thought into being logical, and makes a ton of extra unessacary work because of it) I was a bit of an asshole and said “I'm not breaking my back just to move those racks, they are fine where they are.” And she completely blew up on me. It shocked me. She basically told me that I should just quit, that ever one at the store hates me because of my attitude, that I was replaceable, that I suck at my job anyways. I didn't know what to say and I ended up just bursting into tears… I started gathering my things to leave and she was like “seriously? Your leaving? Good luck with your life then” and stormed off. Now I'm just sitting on a park bench crying and super frustrated. I put my self through years of bullshit and back breaking work for minimum wage and now I'm back where I started and my only options are to go find another minimum wage job where I will also be treated like shit. I live in a fucking bunkie in a swamp because I can't afford an apartment. I'm just so sick of everything. It seems like every time I take one step forward I end up taking two steps back because I'm considered worthless to society because I'm a drop out. I'm just… so done. I don't see a way out. I know it's a defeated lame attitude but I just had the realization that I'm probably going to be poor and miserable forever unless I go back to school, but I'm so dumb that I'm gonna end up putting a bunch of money that i dont have into something I know I'll fail at and I don't even know where to start. I also had the realization that if minimum wage was a liveable wage I probably would be financially stable enough to work less so that I could put the majority of my energy into going back to school. Isn't that what people want? I'm always told that min wage workers are worthless and should get “real jobs”. Wouldn't that be more attainable if our sole focus wasn't just survival? Like if people could afford to thrive instead of just barely survive the world would be a better place overall wouldn't It? ….anyways.. I gotta go print resumes now so I can find my next underpaid abusive workplace so I don't end up homeless again.

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