
I just want to complain about my job and subsequent job hunt.

Sorry, longer than I expected. TLDR: a lot of changes from management at my job that they did not properly prepare us for has left my whole department behind and incredibly stressed. Want to quit but am slave to money. In late 2021 I got a job working from home. It isnt very thrilling, it's basically paper pushing/customer service for a TPA, and I specifically work to help process medical claims. I didn't love our client, and the work itself was monotonous, but it was tolerable, and I was able to talk my way into getting a decent raise, now making more money than I ever have. But, about a month ago now, we went through a system migration. This involved having all stored data in the claim management system we used moved to a new system. We had to learn this new system, as well as a new workflow…

Sorry, longer than I expected. TLDR: a lot of changes from management at my job that they did not properly prepare us for has left my whole department behind and incredibly stressed. Want to quit but am slave to money.

In late 2021 I got a job working from home. It isnt very thrilling, it's basically paper pushing/customer service for a TPA, and I specifically work to help process medical claims. I didn't love our client, and the work itself was monotonous, but it was tolerable, and I was able to talk my way into getting a decent raise, now making more money than I ever have.

But, about a month ago now, we went through a system migration. This involved having all stored data in the claim management system we used moved to a new system. We had to learn this new system, as well as a new workflow process ( a simultaneously very-detailed yet somehow undetailed overview of how to complete our jobs.) On top of that the client for the account I work on wanted us to take on new work as well. The increased workload, the new system, and the new workflow all hit on the same day, and the account has been chaos ever since. They did not train us in the new system or the new workflow well, so tasks that used to take a few minutes were taking up to half an hour or more for everyone to complete now. The new system is slow, buggy, and just overall feels like a downgrade. It's not intuitive, it crashes all the time, it has a million weird little quirks you need to know to avoid errors and more potential crashes, and even when running correctly it is incredibly slow.

We also didn't have a new team ready to take on the new workload until after the fact, so we started day 1 behind and understaffed(on top of management causing us to fall behind BEFORE all the big changes, but i wont get into that). We had somebody new quit their first week after management made the team train them (on a new process and system we are still figuring out). I was trying my best but every day I was just falling more behind. I reached out to management about how to prioritize or get on track and responses ranged from them being equally stressed to unhelpful platitudes.

I am now backed up with hundreds of emails, dozens of phone calls and messages, dozens of documents to review, and over 400 overdue “tasks” (the general bulk of our workload). I just feel so defeated. I don't mind being behind in theory, but this is dealing with people with medical claims for their jobs. People can lose their jobs if they don't go through the process with my company, so every person I speak to is (understandably) upset that we are so behind. I just really want to quit at this point, since one month in we are more behind than when we started, but am having trouble finding a job with similar pay, and it feels dumb to take a payout in this economy.

Rant over I guess, just feels good to type out my complaints.

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