
I just want to play basketball

My favorite thing in all of the world, that I wish I could do all day everyday, is play basketball. My body isn't what is used to be, my recovery is becoming longer and longer, the pain is sharper and sharper. My grandma only seems to see me for my use, which is move heavy things. I worked many jobs in fast food, target, grocery stores, all the classic starter jobs, only to be exploited for little pay, unappreciation for my work ethic (which is good), and more body pain. Thats the backstory A few months ago I quit my desk job which was 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, no discussion. The immense workload wasn't even the problem, nor the hour commute. One day my boss humiliated me infront of everyone and like the kind of humiliation where my coworkers ask if im ok… I let that…

My favorite thing in all of the world, that I wish I could do all day everyday, is play basketball. My body isn't what is used to be, my recovery is becoming longer and longer, the pain is sharper and sharper. My grandma only seems to see me for my use, which is move heavy things. I worked many jobs in fast food, target, grocery stores, all the classic starter jobs, only to be exploited for little pay, unappreciation for my work ethic (which is good), and more body pain. Thats the backstory

A few months ago I quit my desk job which was 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, no discussion. The immense workload wasn't even the problem, nor the hour commute. One day my boss humiliated me infront of everyone and like the kind of humiliation where my coworkers ask if im ok… I let that slide. Several days pass and they humiliate me again and I quit right then and there. Well that job was paying me so much money that I went some months without working, just spending time with my family, basketball 4 days a week, I was happy. I was living how few people could afford to live

All good things must come to an end. Long story short I got a job 6 minutes away from my house several weeks ago, at a feed store in my small town. I wanted to work with my hands after that desk job and I knew it would be hard but im athletic and I thought I was strong. But Christ himself couldn't prepare me for how hard the job is. My boss is so condescending and a control freak and even though I've been trying harder than I've ever tried at a job to not only be a good employee but a PERFECT employee, its not good enough. My back hurts more than ever, and I try and play basketball 2 times a week to avoid getting rusty but with my job, im too tired to play ball and too sore from ball at work.

Sorry to rant but if you made it this far thank you for listening. I've become a work zombie, where im too tired to do anything and play with my nephew or help my grandma or mom (they need someone to help and that falls onto me and my dad a lot, my dad isn't a young man anymore though he has his own problems) guys im crying silently in my bed, im so sad that I can never find a job that I can tolerate. I know it won't be perfect but I truly hate every job I've ever had except for 1 and thats from when I lived in another city. I just want to play basketball and as I get older my chances to play will be less and less in the coming years. I had to get this off my chest so at least this weight off my shoulders can be cleared. Thank you for listening

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