
I just want to vent

This isn't the usual post , i just want to vent and i also want some consultation on what should i do , so a different perspective will help . Im 20 years old , im on my 3rd semester of college and i haven't majored yet , after many failed dreams like wanting to become a pilot or an engineer i had to settle and enroll in a university that teaches business sciences , so im looking to major in either accounting or finance and also im not american and i dont live in the US . I have been working since i was 16 , but idk why , before it was easy , but now that university got more serious , im in a dilemma of which side should i choose , i can't drop out and focus solely on work , and i also can't focus…

This isn't the usual post , i just want to vent and i also want some consultation on what should i do , so a different perspective will help .

Im 20 years old , im on my 3rd semester of college and i haven't majored yet , after many failed dreams like wanting to become a pilot or an engineer i had to settle and enroll in a university that teaches business sciences , so im looking to major in either accounting or finance and also im not american and i dont live in the US .

I have been working since i was 16 , but idk why , before it was easy , but now that university got more serious , im in a dilemma of which side should i choose , i can't drop out and focus solely on work , and i also can't focus solely on university cause how else will i survive , i don't have anyone to rely on like parents , and its hard to find employers that understand the circumstances of a young student trying to balance ( life work university) all together , they want the craziest criteria like experience not less than 5 years and age that doesn't exceed 26 years old. And someone completely available on call .

I just hate the position im at now .

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