
I just wanted to share a link to one of my favourite documentaries, McLibel

McLibel is a doco about two people that stand up against a giant cooperation (McDonalds is the company involved but I believe that the message is that we people can stand up to any cooperation, no matter how intimidating) and win. ā€‹ One part that I really felt was relevant to this subreddit was 58:00 – 58:20 “Human beings are amazing, look at all our inventiveness and creativity and all the great things, art, music. Surely we can come up with something better than this current economic system which allows a few people to get obscenely rich while half the planet have to live in poverty.”

McLibel is a doco about two people that stand up against a giant cooperation (McDonalds is the company involved but I believe that the message is that we people can stand up to any cooperation, no matter how intimidating) and win.


One part that I really felt was relevant to this subreddit was 58:00 – 58:20
“Human beings are amazing, look at all our inventiveness and creativity and all the great things, art, music. Surely we can come up with something better than this current economic system which allows a few people to get obscenely rich while half the planet have to live in poverty.”

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