
I keep getting harassed by this labor hire company about a reference days after I’ve been hired and I’ve already started working.

It's kind of a long story, but I was looking to get a new job because my old work kept cancelling shifts and didn't want to give me more work. So I applied for a new job and I didn't read enough into the advertisement or they lied/hid the fact that they were a labor hire company and they were going to shoe horn themselves into my life and make things as difficult as possible and they said in an online meeting that we have to treat them like they're a “real employer” even though they don't do anything and they basically try to ham string me every single step of the way and harass me and send me emails, texts phone calls at random making thinly veiled threats/vague accusations for no reason. They never reach out to my real bosses who I actually see in person at the office…

It's kind of a long story, but I was looking to get a new job because my old work kept cancelling shifts and didn't want to give me more work. So I applied for a new job and I didn't read enough into the advertisement or they lied/hid the fact that they were a labor hire company and they were going to shoe horn themselves into my life and make things as difficult as possible and they said in an online meeting that we have to treat them like they're a “real employer” even though they don't do anything and they basically try to ham string me every single step of the way and harass me and send me emails, texts phone calls at random making thinly veiled threats/vague accusations for no reason. They never reach out to my real bosses who I actually see in person at the office and don't give a shit and just want to make my life miserable, like reporting me as absent even though I'm literally standing in the office talking to my boss. I get calls/emails/texts saying things like “where are you???”

I applied for a job at a big well known company in my country and I should've applied directly to them instead of having to deal with these middle men.

But basically at the end of the interview with the labor hire company they said “we need two references” ok sure. I gave them two real references with all the contact details. I made sure they were good ones and I made sure to ask my old manager before I left my old job if I could use him as a reference. He said sure thing after I personally asked him. I didn't spring it on him at random as a surprise. This was about a year and a half ago. They came back and kept complaining about not being able to reach one of them and they asked for other references. I gave them five references from different people.

I used to work in a high security government branch that requires a certain high level background check/security clearance. And I had to sign NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) about it and I couldn't even say the exact address of where it's located because it's part of an organisation that deals with sensitive financial material of individuals and businesses. It's not like a McDonalds where you can just walk in and ask to speak to the manager/owner. They don't want to be contacted or reached for comment by outsiders. But these moron Labor Hire people would get bent out of shape about this and thought I would reveal government secrets or break an NDA to make their jobs easier.

So I only gave them the most basic, relevant details and I know for a fact that they called one of them because one of them called me back and told me how it went and put in a good word. But the problem came up with the old manager who worked at the Government job. The labor hire company called and texted me again today and said “Hi Blank we're calling you because we contacted old manger is unable to complete a work reference as he cannot recall any details.” So now I'm basically on the hook and at fault because someone has a bad memory. Even though I have the payslips to prove that I worked there and I gave them contact details of HR/Roster people that only real employees would have and not some random person who is bullshitting them.

I've never dealt with people asking me about refences days after I've already been hired. Shouldn't they ask me this before they hired me? What is going on here? Has someone fucked up and not wanted to admit it? I don't get what's going on. I'm getting tired of being harassed all the time. It's not worth it to me and I really am considering leaving if this is how it's going to be from now on.

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