
I know this isn’t quite anti-work but it is anti-debt. So I was wondering…

Why can’t we all just make gofundme accounts to pay off our debts? Like…one person makes an account and says I have x debt, let’s say $10,000, and 10,000 people from this sub give $1. That persons debt is gone and should now have some expendable income (hopefully) to help the next person in line. Shower. Rinse. Repeat. Until we clear everyone’s debt. I mean I’m sure there are people who can’t share $1 quite yet, but those who can would be able to help them out right? I know realistically this isn’t feasible and doesn’t solve any of the problems our country is having at a higher level, but if we free people from debt that’s one step closer to making things equal for everyone.

Why can’t we all just make gofundme accounts to pay off our debts? Like…one person makes an account and says I have x debt, let’s say $10,000, and 10,000 people from this sub give $1. That persons debt is gone and should now have some expendable income (hopefully) to help the next person in line. Shower. Rinse. Repeat. Until we clear everyone’s debt. I mean I’m sure there are people who can’t share $1 quite yet, but those who can would be able to help them out right?

I know realistically this isn’t feasible and doesn’t solve any of the problems our country is having at a higher level, but if we free people from debt that’s one step closer to making things equal for everyone.

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