
I know why you’ll never get free healthcare. Because of big pharma and big sugar/grains.

It’s quite easy to see the connections from over here. (Sweden). You all eat like crap, and big sugar still has convinced you that fat is bad and that cereals are a part of a nutritious breakfast. Your healthcare costs would break your country – and since both parties are in the pocket of big pharma (who wants you to keep eating rather than change life style) and big sugar/wheat – you’ll never get free healthcare. You all are just consumers – not citizens. The country does not care about you – at – all. But it’s easy to fix: unlaw lobbying in its current form. Have all contributors politically being transparent. Get big corp out of your news discussions.

It’s quite easy to see the connections from over here. (Sweden). You all eat like crap, and big sugar still has convinced you that fat is bad and that cereals are a part of a nutritious breakfast. Your healthcare costs would break your country – and since both parties are in the pocket of big pharma (who wants you to keep eating rather than change life style) and big sugar/wheat – you’ll never get free healthcare. You all are just consumers – not citizens. The country does not care about you – at – all.

But it’s easy to fix: unlaw lobbying in its current form. Have all contributors politically being transparent. Get big corp out of your news discussions.

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