
I left before the interview

They hit every red flag. I got to the location on time, but the building had a different business name on the front and no street number. I called the phone number I was given and asked if this was the building because it was labelled “Other Business Center” and not “This Business.” The receptionist laughed at me and said I was “probably at the right place, but if not, there's another location in the city.” Okay? So I go inside and only after you walk through the 30ish yard foyer do you see a sign for “This Business.” I walk in and 3 receptionists are talking amongst each other. We all look at each other, I smile, and they go back chatting for another minute until one woman leaves (I'm assuming for break because she brought her things). Then they acknowledge me and tell me to go sit in…

They hit every red flag.

I got to the location on time, but the building had a different business name on the front and no street number. I called the phone number I was given and asked if this was the building because it was labelled “Other Business Center” and not “This Business.” The receptionist laughed at me and said I was “probably at the right place, but if not, there's another location in the city.” Okay? So I go inside and only after you walk through the 30ish yard foyer do you see a sign for “This Business.”

I walk in and 3 receptionists are talking amongst each other. We all look at each other, I smile, and they go back chatting for another minute until one woman leaves (I'm assuming for break because she brought her things). Then they acknowledge me and tell me to go sit in the waiting room.

Twenty minutes later one of the receptionists frantically walks to a clerk near me and asks where someone is because the woman who was supposed to be interviewing me is busy. Then she runs to the back of the office and comes back 5 minutes later. She said (to the clerk, not me, but loud enough so I could hear) that she's going to my interviewers office because nobody can find or contact anyone else.

At this point its been half an hour. I've seen too many red flags and I'm ready to go home. I go tell the last remaining receptionist that I was supposed to have an interview, but nobody's come to get me and I can't wait around any longer. I give her my name and say that the interviewer has my information if she wants to reschedule, but I'm sorry and I can't keep waiting.

The receptionist who has been on the goose chase comes running down the hall and says that my interview was at noon (so, right now). I say that I was at 11:30 (I have it written down from my phone call last week) and she must have gotten the time wrong, but I can't wait and to contact me if she likes.

I applied for 3 or 4 positions with this company back in April because they were “urgently hiring,” but they waited 2 months to call me. On top of that, the woman who I spoke with (and who was supposed to interview me) said that after reading my resume she thought I would be better suited to a different job I didnt apply for. She didn't know the salary, benefits, duties, job name, or job description off the top of her head. I asked her to send me the details so I could familiarize myself with the duties and prepare for the interview. She said that she would “try to find someone at the other office with the job decription” and email me the details. She never did. She also never emailed me to confirm the interview like I had asked. Then she gets the time wrong and tries to blame me.

And I thought my current job was bad. No wonder this place can't hire anyone. I can't even say this was the most unprofessional interview I've ever had (or, I guess, didn't have) because when I was in my 20s I went to a group interview for a sales job and another time I wanted an hour for my interview. I'm sick of it at this point.

How can businesses be so unprofessional and sloppy, but I'm expected to show up early and beg to work there. I already have an okay job at a bad company. I've applied to over 100 jobs since December and I've had a total of 4 interviews.

I'm glad I had a better interview this morning for a firm I'm really interested in 🤞

It's rough out there.

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