
I left my job as I was being forced to do overtime.

I started working for a “family run business” I know Red flag!! My contract stated i work 40 hours per week no were did it say “overtime when required” it was mentioned on my interview that it was a hands up type of thing whoever wants it can have it… No pressure. On my 2nd week I was called into the office along with my Co-worker we will call him bill “only 2 of us at the time working at site 1 plus agency staff” the boss said he really needed a order completing, I was like ok cool we will try get it done (in my head I was thinking if it gets done it gets done) . A hour later I get called to the office again bill is stood there along with the office clerk they asked if I want to come in early the next day…

I started working for a “family run business” I know Red flag!!

My contract stated i work 40 hours per week no were did it say “overtime when required” it was mentioned on my interview that it was a hands up type of thing whoever wants it can have it… No pressure.

On my 2nd week I was called into the office along with my Co-worker we will call him bill “only 2 of us at the time working at site 1 plus agency staff” the boss said he really needed a order completing, I was like ok cool we will try get it done (in my head I was thinking if it gets done it gets done) . A hour later I get called to the office again bill is stood there along with the office clerk they asked if I want to come in early the next day to get this order finished. I politely refused, coming in 1 hour extra seems pointless I would rather have the extra hour in bed.

The next day I get to work 15 mins earlie to drink a coffee and get ready bill is already there slaving away and the clerk is in the canteen while I drink my coffee going on and on about how busy we are and that bill came in 2 hours earlie!! ( clearly trying to guilt trip me but had no affect)

The boss arrives 3 hours later pulls me to one side and says I really need you at site 2 tomorrow be there for 08:00 (I forgot to mention my hours of work are 08:00 – 16:30).I thought wow abit odd I have barley settled in here but OK what the heck.

I arrive at site 2 in the morning for 08:00 the crew here is much larger about 8 guys and 3 clerks, I notice that no-one is in the canteen and they are all working on the shop floor. I approach the container they are unloading and a guy shouts “oi what happend to 07:00!”
Confused I said what you mean? Then the supervisor pops up out the back of the container OH BY THE WAY HERE AT SITE 2 WE START A HOUR EARLIE EVERY DAY!

I speak to my boss later that day and said If I I'm coming in at 07:00 I'm leaving at 15:30 he agrees. Any way as the week goes on this supervisor is being a real ass he says I'm going to be tested but I won't know I'm being tested, if I don't pass I won't have a job and all this crap. It gets to the end of the week and as I started at 07:00 I was preparing to leave as it was 15:15, the supervisor shouts me and tells me to get into the back of this wagon and sort out the collapsed boxes, I help on for 10 minutes and the jump off. The supervisor looks at me and says “what do you think your doing” I say “I'm going home now I'm finished for the day” he goes absolutely ballistic tells me “it's not fair his lads do overtime but I don't and that my contracts going to change, tells me I don't pull my wieght and I'm not part of team and if I Dont get back on the wagon I won't pass the test!!!” I said you know what BYE!! he said “if you walk away now your contracted is terminated!” pmsl I said shove it up your arse!

Anyway I got home the boss rings me and says he didn't want to loose me and go back to site 2 and he will have a chat about what happend when he gets back from holiday….
A day later at site 2 I get called to the office. The clerk said I was required to now go site 3!!! I said no chance it was discussed in my interview I could not travel there. She replied that if I don't go it will be a disciplinary….
I said well disciplinary it is then.

I never went site 3 and a week later got my p45 on the post. (end of work letter)

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