
I live in glorious, untainted Europe and wanted to remind you that Americans live like dogs.

My alarm rang a bit ago and I realized I had almost forgotten to post this for the third time today. So here you go! I live and work in glorious Europe, at a company that has multiple overseas investments, including some in America that are probably taking advantage of your dogshit labor protections to exploit you. But that’s fine (for me). I am a useful cog in a capitalist corporation that does all the same things other capitalists do but is somewhat better (for me) because my country ended 700 years of colonial genocide and a few fascist pogroms with some weak social democracy reforms that my countrymen gleefully vote away every time they get a chance. We elected Musolini’s granddaughter less than six months ago but everything’s going just fine (again, for me)! Things will continue going fine (for me) and I can’t see that. ever changing! So…

My alarm rang a bit ago and I realized I had almost forgotten to post this for the third time today. So here you go!

I live and work in glorious Europe, at a company that has multiple overseas investments, including some in America that are probably taking advantage of your dogshit labor protections to exploit you. But that’s fine (for me). I am a useful cog in a capitalist corporation that does all the same things other capitalists do but is somewhat better (for me) because my country ended 700 years of colonial genocide and a few fascist pogroms with some weak social democracy reforms that my countrymen gleefully vote away every time they get a chance. We elected Musolini’s granddaughter less than six months ago but everything’s going just fine (again, for me)! Things will continue going fine (for me) and I can’t see that. ever changing!

So my question is: what tf is wrong with you dummy dumb dummies? Why don’t you live like me? Please grovel in the comments. I’ll get to them later. I’m attending Fahradradfahrenwettbewerbfest, a proud European celebration where rightwing soccer thugs wear blackface while riding bicycles.

Remember: don’t unionize your place of work; feel hopeless instead!


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