
I love my buddy but there’s a simple reason why he can’t find any help while I’ve been fully staffed for quite some time now, money.

He starts his employees off between 10-$12/hr, I start mine off at $15. On top of that he constantly deals with call offs or employees quitting while I’ve had the same guys for 2 months and not only do they rarely call off, they almost always come through when I need extra help. Even offering to stay and help me when they see I’m a little overwhelmed, without clocking in, but every time I thank them for their offer and tell them I want to pay them for their time. Do I wish I could pay less? At the moment, absolutely. I’m pinching every penny because my store is 2.5 months old, and although sales are growing I’m still at a accumulative net profit of about -$15,000. But I know they have bills too so I can’t find it in my heart to pay less than $15, in fact the…

He starts his employees off between 10-$12/hr, I start mine off at $15. On top of that he constantly deals with call offs or employees quitting while I’ve had the same guys for 2 months and not only do they rarely call off, they almost always come through when I need extra help. Even offering to stay and help me when they see I’m a little overwhelmed, without clocking in, but every time I thank them for their offer and tell them I want to pay them for their time.

Do I wish I could pay less? At the moment, absolutely. I’m pinching every penny because my store is 2.5 months old, and although sales are growing I’m still at a accumulative net profit of about -$15,000.

But I know they have bills too so I can’t find it in my heart to pay less than $15, in fact the moment I get into the green, 1 of 3 things I want to do right away is increase their hours and/or pay to at least match with inflation.

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