
I love my raise is now tied to my “participation” with my hospital

So my hospital was bought out just before Covid, though the administration called it “partnering”. But we are all tired, perpetually understaffed, and in the wake of Covid it's all just gotten worse. Apparently people are scared of getting sick when you work around sick people, you which I get but just makes it worse when we have to do the same quality work but with that many less people. So on top of picking up mandatory, “preemptive staffing allocation” shifts (i.e. mandatory overtime) we apparently also need to join panels to discuss things like patient safety and satisfaction. Because of course after spending 4+ shifts at 12 hours a shift I want to come back and “participate” in meetings that nobody really will do anything about what is said. Such as pre programming our staff phones to auto dial the switchboard for a code so it's that much faster…

So my hospital was bought out just before Covid, though the administration called it “partnering”. But we are all tired, perpetually understaffed, and in the wake of Covid it's all just gotten worse. Apparently people are scared of getting sick when you work around sick people, you which I get but just makes it worse when we have to do the same quality work but with that many less people.

So on top of picking up mandatory, “preemptive staffing allocation” shifts (i.e. mandatory overtime) we apparently also need to join panels to discuss things like patient safety and satisfaction. Because of course after spending 4+ shifts at 12 hours a shift I want to come back and “participate” in meetings that nobody really will do anything about what is said. Such as pre programming our staff phones to auto dial the switchboard for a code so it's that much faster in an emergency, like say a patient trying to hurt themselves or staff.

Problem is if we don't do it, it reduces our yearly eval score for getting a raise. Because my managers have been trained for only giving a 3/5 unless we truly go “beyond” our assigned duties. Because staying on for mandatory overtime apparently isn't team player enough for them, it's expected.

Then people wonder why I am going back to school to get out of this field and why I am burnt out.

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