
I love saying no to my customers and treating myself with respect

I work as a massage therapist and I've been self employed since June. The best part of being self employed is saying no. Some customers are really self absorbed and think that when they say jump I say how high. That works at chain spas but not me. I don't care that you don't feel like waiting. You showed up 18 minutes early. I don't care that the reason you were late was because I didn't answer my phone to confirm your massage and you didn't want to come in until I returned your call. You booked online. You even admitted to getting a confirmation in the app about your appointment. I'm not going to leave in the middle of the previous client to answer your call. I don't care that you made a mistake and booked the wrong day. You booked that two weeks ago. You had ample time…

I work as a massage therapist and I've been self employed since June. The best part of being self employed is saying no. Some customers are really self absorbed and think that when they say jump I say how high. That works at chain spas but not me.

I don't care that you don't feel like waiting. You showed up 18 minutes early. I don't care that the reason you were late was because I didn't answer my phone to confirm your massage and you didn't want to come in until I returned your call. You booked online. You even admitted to getting a confirmation in the app about your appointment. I'm not going to leave in the middle of the previous client to answer your call. I don't care that you made a mistake and booked the wrong day. You booked that two weeks ago. You had ample time to check your email confirmation and confirm the date. I don't care that you don't have time to come in later. I'm having lunch. I'm not going to drop everything I'm doing to give you a massage. I don't care that I didn't answer your call. My hours are clearly listed. 6am is four hours before I open. I don't care that you couldn't find my suite. You should have arrived early if it's the first time. You should have called when you were lost. I'm aware you are lying because I found you talking to your favorite hair dresser. Oh and I was going to give you your full time until you started making demands after you were late.

Those are all things I've dealt with since working for myself. You know how I deal with it. I'm polite. I smile. I ban them from the business. I'm a human being. I'm not your massage robot. When I worked for a chain spa they treated me like a massage robot. If that's what you want just go to Envy. But if you are coming to my business you will treat me with respect.

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