
I low key think my boss murdered his wife

Ok so I work at a very large and popular online retailer with warehouses all over the world. I'm sure you can guess which one. It takes a certain type of person to work operations management in this company. And that certain kind of person is basically a sociopath. My warehouse GM is no exception to that rule. One day myself, my direct boss, and my direct employee were discussing dude and that he's a sociopath. I said if he's married I feel bad for his wife” and my boss got this weird look on his face and said “she's dead” Now, let me go ahead and say off the bat that I have an extremely dark and morbid sense of humor. I am in no way a hateful person. I have empathy for most people, but not when it comes to legit evil people. My GM is evil. Legit…

Ok so I work at a very large and popular online retailer with warehouses all over the world. I'm sure you can guess which one. It takes a certain type of person to work operations management in this company. And that certain kind of person is basically a sociopath. My warehouse GM is no exception to that rule.
One day myself, my direct boss, and my direct employee were discussing dude and that he's a sociopath. I said if he's married I feel bad for his wife” and my boss got this weird look on his face and said “she's dead”
Now, let me go ahead and say off the bat that I have an extremely dark and morbid sense of humor. I am in no way a hateful person. I have empathy for most people, but not when it comes to legit evil people. My GM is evil. Legit evil. I could give you examples but I'm sure you have read plenty of articles on the decisions these people make in regards to their employees lives and safety. SO…. When my boss said dudes wife was dead, I couldn't stop myself from blurting out an extremely loud cackle. In my mind it was the irony that got me. I immediately felt bad and said “I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed but I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her”
My boss's face got even more awkward. Then he told me the story I'm about to tell you.
Dude was married to chick. Chick had a good corporate job and once a year had to travel to a work conference. Dude came with her every year. Except one. The year he DIDN'T go she went missing. The last CCTV footage of her showed her leaving her hotel. A few days later they found her body.
Now, honestly there's not much there, but like idk. I feel like he either did it or paid to have it done. Normally I wouldn't jump to that kind of assumption, but I know this man. And I wouldn't put it past him.

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