
I might just quit

I asked for September 2nd-4th off on May 5th. I was just told I might not get it ‘because I didn’t ask for it off soon enough’ because one of the other managers deleted it and I didn’t catch she did that. That’s my bachelorette party. I asked for sept 22-27 off for my wedding the same day. Was told I might not get it due to other staff asking off also for a wedding in the company. I told them I might have to quit then if I can’t have these important days off. I was told “that’s a selfish way of thinking and makes me not want to give you those days off now” I’ve been working here 5 YEARS. No raises. (I make entry level pay still) One promotion only because they needed desperately for someone to fill the position. No more then that. I just. Child…

I asked for September 2nd-4th off on May 5th. I was just told I might not get it ‘because I didn’t ask for it off soon enough’ because one of the other managers deleted it and I didn’t catch she did that. That’s my bachelorette party. I asked for sept 22-27 off for my wedding the same day. Was told I might not get it due to other staff asking off also for a wedding in the company. I told them I might have to quit then if I can’t have these important days off. I was told “that’s a selfish way of thinking and makes me not want to give you those days off now”

I’ve been working here 5 YEARS. No raises. (I make entry level pay still) One promotion only because they needed desperately for someone to fill the position. No more then that.
I just. Child care sucks. I am working to my child development associates to get paid better.

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