
I need encouragement to quit my job with nothing lined up after. Explanation in post

I currently work in retail and make $20/hr. I have worked here for 8 months and it's been the worst job I've ever had (and stayed at). The managers are the rudest I've ever come across. They cut hours. Purposely don't give you two days off in a row as punishment. Favoritism. Soooo much more I've hated this place since the first day I started. My issue is….I literally am unable to look for new jobs. Idk what is wrong with me but this place has sucked all of my energy and I can't bring myself to look/apply. I've tried looking for new jobs. And I just can never do it. So I was thinking….I need to fucking quit my current job with nothing lined up after. If I quit, it'll light a fire under my ass to get a new job and I'll actually follow through I'm realizing that…

I currently work in retail and make $20/hr.

I have worked here for 8 months and it's been the worst job I've ever had (and stayed at). The managers are the rudest I've ever come across. They cut hours. Purposely don't give you two days off in a row as punishment. Favoritism. Soooo much more

I've hated this place since the first day I started. My issue is….I literally am unable to look for new jobs. Idk what is wrong with me but this place has sucked all of my energy and I can't bring myself to look/apply.

I've tried looking for new jobs. And I just can never do it. So I was thinking….I need to fucking quit my current job with nothing lined up after. If I quit, it'll light a fire under my ass to get a new job and I'll actually follow through

I'm realizing that I'm stagnating my life. And part of that is because of this job. How long am I going to delay the next chapter of my life? I feel like I just need to quit now so I can finally move on!

My main concern is that once I quit, I won't be able to find a better job. What if I don't get motivated to apply after quitting. What am I going tell my next employer about why I quit this current job?

Idk. I know quitting without anything lined up for after is bad but I feel like I need to just finally quit so I can move on with my life.

Has anyone ever been in a similar place? Anything that helped you to apply to jobs while currently working at an awful one? I need encouragement to quit! Everyone tells me “don't quit until you have something lined up for after” but I can't bring myself to line anything up!! I really just wanna gtfoh and I need people to encourage me to do so

Thanks yall

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