
I need some advice about putting in my two-weeks after an incident.

I’m not sure how long I’m going to leave this up if I’m honest, because let’s just say I work a government job. This has been a long time in the making, but I’m on the fence and leaning toward putting in my two-weeks notice. I’m a secretary. My boss started having a rocky relationship with me after I went to the ER and had to leave work early. I cried in her office and she told me to just go and so I did, I was in the hospital overnight and for a day and then took a few days to recover, sent in doctors notes and everything. After an IT issue was discovered that meant I wasn’t getting automated emails she began essentially monitoring my work more so than usual. She would email me asking what I had done to fix files that needed downloading that were in…

I’m not sure how long I’m going to leave this up if I’m honest, because let’s just say I work a government job. This has been a long time in the making, but I’m on the fence and leaning toward putting in my two-weeks notice.

I’m a secretary. My boss started having a rocky relationship with me after I went to the ER and had to leave work early. I cried in her office and she told me to just go and so I did, I was in the hospital overnight and for a day and then took a few days to recover, sent in doctors notes and everything.

After an IT issue was discovered that meant I wasn’t getting automated emails she began essentially monitoring my work more so than usual. She would email me asking what I had done to fix files that needed downloading that were in those auto-emails, why I hadn’t told her earlier, etc. and then when I explained myself or tried defending myself wouldn’t respond.

She pulled mail out of the mailbox and told me the envelope looked unprofessional because of how the printer stamped it, went through my desk and left sticky notes everywhere on things, continually would have our “team lead” CC her in all emails, and go through my work and not anyone else’s to find errors which she would then send to me and continually ask for explanations for. There was so much more than this I’m neglecting to write.

When she pulled me in her office and accused me of gossiping with coworkers I went to HR and cried in their office with a folder of emails, and was told essentially to keep tabs on it and that they’d discuss with her but nothing changed. I would sometimes get snarky emails accusing me of things but would send them to HR asking for it to be documented in the folder, again no change.

Well my yearly annual evaluation came around and she gave me a 2.5/5 and marked me satisfactory or below on everything but nothing better than a three. She couldn’t write anything positive about me other than that I participate in coverage – which isn’t optional – and that I have room to grow. My list of negatives were paragraphs.

The cherry on top was she made me sign a performance plan, told me I couldn’t use my phone anymore outside of breaks, told me I was dismissive and didn’t say good morning/had a sour attitude, not a good relationship with anyone. None of which is true. I’ve always been responsive and friendly and willing to work. I even sent out good morning emails with photos of baby animals every day before she asked me to stop.

The performance plan is a month long and the first week she wants me to meet with her personally daily privately to go over all the “errors” in my work. I didn’t see these papers personally yet.

Should I just put in my two weeks at this point? Regardless I’m going to HR again to mention she’s never worked with me one on one or met with me or has dates or backup or room for commenting on anything in my eval.

I don’t mind if she is trying to say my work isn’t up to par, but this long term personal harassment and her saying I’m not friendly enough really hurts. I’ve always gone out of my way to fix errors I’ve made. I’ve been crying all weekend because I feel so bad. Please advise.

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