
I prepped last night in order to ask for a raise, and my manager gave it to me as soon as I asked

I spent last night writing up why I deserved a raise. I took my job description/responsibilities and outlined every single thing I do outside of my own responsibilities. I printed out statistics of inflation over the last year where I live, I printed out the same or similar job offers from other companies that had better pay. I compared myself to others in my position and how little they do. I listed all my achievements within the company and how much I do for it. I had all of this handy in my backpack when I went to my big boss to ask for a raise. I thought I was in for a rough ride as I perceived other management as having a negative perspective on me; that they thought I didn’t deserve it, didn’t see any of the effort I put into my work or realize how much I…

I spent last night writing up why I deserved a raise. I took my job description/responsibilities and outlined every single thing I do outside of my own responsibilities. I printed out statistics of inflation over the last year where I live, I printed out the same or similar job offers from other companies that had better pay. I compared myself to others in my position and how little they do. I listed all my achievements within the company and how much I do for it. I had all of this handy in my backpack when I went to my big boss to ask for a raise. I thought I was in for a rough ride as I perceived other management as having a negative perspective on me; that they thought I didn’t deserve it, didn’t see any of the effort I put into my work or realize how much I do.

I didn’t need to even OPEN my backpack, the big boss gave me a raise immediately I’m so fkin happy. The guy barely oversees my work, but he told me he can tell I’m different, and that the last meeting he had with other managers they were all complimenting my work and how much I have stepped up/improved from when I first started. He talked about others letting life get the best of them, but that I have the drive to do what I want in life, make anything happen. He put me on top of the world and I still am feeling the high right now. I know this post is not exactly anti work but I didn’t know where else to post and needed to express myself. My whole life I have had it rough, and finally in my 20’s I got fed up and decided nows my chance to change that and create my own path. To hear everything I thought to myself everyday about having the hunger, knowing I deserve better and am capable of so much more, come from my own boss, is fucking amazing. Stay hungry guys, and never settle for less than you deserve.

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