
I Put in My Two Weeks After Being Scheduled Outside My Availability

I don't have my driver's license (I'm working on that), which makes getting around very difficult. I also live in a town with no buses scheduled for Sundays, and Lyft and Uber drivers are next to impossible to get most of the time during the weekends. My boss has been well aware of my transportation issues, and I've told her I can't work Sundays. It seemed she understood this up until this week. I look at the schedule texted to the group chat and see that I'm scheduled for Sunday, a day I explicitly stated that I cannot work. Rightfully angry, I text her saying I can't work that day, only for her to text back, “why?” Again, I reiterated my inability to get transportation, only to receive no answer. There's also the fact that I can only see my boyfriend during the weekends as those are the only days…

I don't have my driver's license (I'm working on that), which makes getting around very difficult. I also live in a town with no buses scheduled for Sundays, and Lyft and Uber drivers are next to impossible to get most of the time during the weekends.

My boss has been well aware of my transportation issues, and I've told her I can't work Sundays. It seemed she understood this up until this week.

I look at the schedule texted to the group chat and see that I'm scheduled for Sunday, a day I explicitly stated that I cannot work. Rightfully angry, I text her saying I can't work that day, only for her to text back, “why?” Again, I reiterated my inability to get transportation, only to receive no answer.

There's also the fact that I can only see my boyfriend during the weekends as those are the only days he has off, and we made plans before the schedule was posted to go somewhere that Sunday. I would have told her this, but I know without a doubt that she would have said, “well, get him to drive you to work, then.”

I've wanted to quit for some time now due to the job taking a toll on my mental health (it's a fast food job), but this was the final straw. I sent another message telling her I'm putting my two weeks in, and I'm not the only one who has done this because of blatant disrespect for availability. She has been scheduling high school-age employees to come in at 3:30 when high schools in the district let out at 3:25, even after being told multiple times that this was impossible.

I sincerely hope that the place gets shut down after I leave.

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