I had been working at this place for about a month. I couldn't do it anymore. The hypocrisy, favoritism, gaslighting, and tattle rewarding just got to me. This and a few other things.
Then there was a newly implemented rule of keeping cell phones in lockers. The office manager saying “you are on my time when you are here.” And speaking of rules, management and upper management didn't follow the already implemented rules(ie mask wearing around the public/smoking 20 ft from the building). However, they would chastise us if we didn't follow it. They also speak however they wanted to employees.
My last straw was today. The tattle queen receptionist of the office dropped what she was doing today and went to management on me because she didn't like a friendly interjection I made while she was being crass and abrasive to a client for no reason. So I was basically told by the OM that I needed to keep my mouth shut unless it's directly related to what I'm doing.
I just couldn't imagine as a supervisor entertaining this girl's ridiculousness. This isn't her first time tattling on me. This girl is constantly tattling on everyone and being rude to clients. AND giving them bad medical(vet med)advice.
I sat down and calmed down. Then I went to the manager and said that I am resigning immediately and that it isn't a good fit. That i can't work in a place where this behavior happens. She said that I am a very hard worker and good luck.
Luckily, with the job field I'm in, experience, and references, I could get another job within two weeks. I am just tired of working for people on a power trip and all that comes with favoritism. My last job was far from perfect, but I had some kickass coworkers and OM. I cried for like a week before I left, but I had to go because i was moving to a different state.