
i quit messages

Gonna rant for a sec, but you can skip to the end. I'm right about to quit this shit job, working at most fast food joints would be a paybump. The owner is honestly a slumlord and literally rents out houses and shit as well, i already see the living conditions of the places that get a lot of public inspections and it is not good. Like the ceiling slowly falling off from water damage and constantly having to remove pieces of it from ppls rooms. Like keeping ppl that need higher levels of care around as long as possible to get the most money. Horrid pt to aid and nurse ratios. Ontop of the scarcity of gloves when handling ppl with infectious diseases. I had to basically have vinyl mittens instead, because they refused to keep gloves in my size stocked because it costs an extra few cents for…

Gonna rant for a sec, but you can skip to the end. I'm right about to quit this shit job, working at most fast food joints would be a paybump. The owner is honestly a slumlord and literally rents out houses and shit as well, i already see the living conditions of the places that get a lot of public inspections and it is not good. Like the ceiling slowly falling off from water damage and constantly having to remove pieces of it from ppls rooms. Like keeping ppl that need higher levels of care around as long as possible to get the most money. Horrid pt to aid and nurse ratios. Ontop of the scarcity of gloves when handling ppl with infectious diseases. I had to basically have vinyl mittens instead, because they refused to keep gloves in my size stocked because it costs an extra few cents for bigger sizes from that one brand. Then theres the nurses they put on a pedestal even when doing shady shit with pills, confirmed lying, making up info on rounds sheets, peddling mlms, coming in halfway through shifts on the regular, sleeping in empty rooms, i could keep going.

Then admin just hates night shifters with mandatory middle of the day on nights that i work. Being forced to work a double because the next person no called, these meetings, being called all hours about the. Most. Stupid. Shit. Like meal preferences of pts when i dont see them eat, or office supply locations when theyre not empty, all midday. Im so sleep deprived that i at least understand now why some of the other aides were so lazy they couldnt be bothered to clean someone left in their own mess for their entire shift. Not saying i condone that all too common behavior i saw, i reported it, im pretty sure that filing cabinet just had a shredder in it.

Im quitting. Im done. No more guilt tripping, not using them as a reference, so screw it. Im sending that message. Demanding my check in the mail. Thinking about ending it with a “toodaloo”.
What are some of yalls best i quit messages? just share yalls best i quit txts or emails that made you feel good sending lol.

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