
I quit my 100k + job today and I don’t know how I feel about it.

I should preface this with it was not out of the blue, I had contemplated it for a long time. My position is customer facing and dealing with the worst of the worst of angry people daily. I was great at what I did, turning angry customers around and smoothing out situations. I often referred to myself as a professional punching bag. The company recently opened a new larger facility and my job load increased exponentially. I asked for help, or to take some of my other tasks and re-delegate them. This fell on deaf ears. My wife noticed a few months ago my mental health seemed to be different. I was once happy go lucky but the constant berating of Karens daily was taking its tole. I would come home physically ill wanting to throw up. Wouldn’t talk, and was just all around miserable. Luckily for me she herself…

I should preface this with it was not out of the blue, I had contemplated it for a long time. My position is customer facing and dealing with the worst of the worst of angry people daily. I was great at what I did, turning angry customers around and smoothing out situations. I often referred to myself as a professional punching bag. The company recently opened a new larger facility and my job load increased exponentially. I asked for help, or to take some of my other tasks and re-delegate them. This fell on deaf ears.

My wife noticed a few months ago my mental health seemed to be different. I was once happy go lucky but the constant berating of Karens daily was taking its tole. I would come home physically ill wanting to throw up. Wouldn’t talk, and was just all around miserable. Luckily for me she herself makes a decent paycheck from her stay at home job. She pushed me to find something different, but I felt trapped, like I owed some sort of debt to my employers (weird I know). I applied to a couple different positions but they didn’t go anywhere (I worked my way to where I was at from the bottom, I do not have a college degree so finding something in the same pay range has been proving difficult).

Anyways, long story short, I walked out today. I told my boss I was cracked and I needed to focus on my mental health. My wife has been super supportive of this and is super excited, I will have time to finish the remodel on our house, focus on me, slowly find something to do with my life that doesn’t involve being verbally abused daily, and enjoy the holidays.

It still hasn’t really hit me yet but I feel like I needed to tell someone so here I am telling my story. Thanks for listening.

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