
I quit my job and have nothing lined up.

Title says everything. I put in my resignation and after next Friday I will not be working. My job was awesome – paid well at $108k + mileage, and I loved my boss. The problem was the drive was starting to physically tire me out…at MINIMUM I would drive an hour and a half to work everyday and this has been going on for 4+ years. My wife and I have a son now too which has drastically complicated things, and I owe it to him to be more present. After several long discussions with my wife, we've decided to just end this job and find another closer to home. I plan on doing a bunch of home projects, playing with my son more, cooking more meals, and just being happier in general. I'll go back to work somewhere in a couple months but for now I'm grateful to have…

Title says everything. I put in my resignation and after next Friday I will not be working. My job was awesome – paid well at $108k + mileage, and I loved my boss. The problem was the drive was starting to physically tire me out…at MINIMUM I would drive an hour and a half to work everyday and this has been going on for 4+ years. My wife and I have a son now too which has drastically complicated things, and I owe it to him to be more present. After several long discussions with my wife, we've decided to just end this job and find another closer to home. I plan on doing a bunch of home projects, playing with my son more, cooking more meals, and just being happier in general. I'll go back to work somewhere in a couple months but for now I'm grateful to have this time with my family and just focus on things that matter. Work will always be secondary.

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