
I quit my job and my manager is aghast that someone would quit for something better lmao

So my parents are in town for the week before Christmas. I get to see them maybe, twice a year if I’m lucky because they live overseas. My job is busy- I know they can’t give me the whole week off. But i was requesting at least the last day off so I could say goodbye to them. Their response? “Sorry we can’t :/ we’re too understaffed.” So I put in my two weeks notice. A few days later my manager calls and is inquiring why I’m leaving and what happened and I just flat out told her something like this : “You pay me 17 an hour. No health care, no retirement, and you don’t work with my on time off ever. Your company demands a lot when you offer us so little.” And then they tried to deflect with some bullshit and I’m like “yeah well we’re in…

So my parents are in town for the week before Christmas. I get to see them maybe, twice a year if I’m lucky because they live overseas. My job is busy- I know they can’t give me the whole week off. But i was requesting at least the last day off so I could say goodbye to them. Their response?

“Sorry we can’t :/ we’re too understaffed.”

So I put in my two weeks notice. A few days later my manager calls and is inquiring why I’m leaving and what happened and I just flat out told her something like this :

“You pay me 17 an hour. No health care, no retirement, and you don’t work with my on time off ever. Your company demands a lot when you offer us so little.”

And then they tried to deflect with some bullshit and I’m like “yeah well we’re in a labor shortage I’ll just find something else.” And hung up.

They tried to offer me to stay by giving me the day off but honestly it shouldn’t take me almost quitting to get time off.

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