
I quit my job at T-Mobile today

I quit my job today, I’ve been working 45-50 hours each week, and while the pay was pretty good from commission and all, the people I worked with and the environment itself was unbearable. I had to put on an act (literally). I am a very socially anxious person and it’s gotten a bit worse of recently due to some events in my personal life and that made the job that much harder. It was the type of “open family-type work environment” where my manager would call you out for messing up in the group chat for everyone to see, and my coworkers were very competitive assholes so this did not help their ego. One distinct memory that really made my blood boil was about 3 weeks into the job, never having opened before, was scheduled to open with my manager. I arrived and opened without a problem, but I…

I quit my job today, I’ve been working 45-50 hours each week, and while the pay was pretty good from commission and all, the people I worked with and the environment itself was unbearable. I had to put on an act (literally). I am a very socially anxious person and it’s gotten a bit worse of recently due to some events in my personal life and that made the job that much harder. It was the type of “open family-type work environment” where my manager would call you out for messing up in the group chat for everyone to see, and my coworkers were very competitive assholes so this did not help their ego.
One distinct memory that really made my blood boil was about 3 weeks into the job, never having opened before, was scheduled to open with my manager. I arrived and opened without a problem, but I noticed it was like 9:45 and he still wasn’t there. I texted and called with no response, and had my other coworker text me telling me she’s coming in because “his car is stuck in the mud”. Opening by myself wasn’t what bothered me, it was the fact that that night, he called me out in the work group chat with “the store wasn’t opened on time, you did the folder wrong, etc etc” KNOWING that I have never opened before. I almost had an anxiety attack I was so embarrassed. It might just be a me problem, and sales aren’t for me, but god do I fucking hate that place.
Long story short I’m now having extreme anxiety about my decision of quitting because I don’t have a definite job lined up, however I do have family that can provide me work. Fuck having a job.

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