
I quit my job before they could fire me. The thing is, I didn’t even realize they were going to fire me on the same day I quit.

I work at retail. The retail I work at is horrible enough for the new hires to leave in their first days and they wouldn't stay for a week. The toxicity is awful in there. They're forcing anyone to take rotational scheduling, even though we are severely understaffed, there is no other options to say no to the rotational scheduling, if we do, they'll put us to part-time. This month I have been thin king about quitting and looking for another job. On the day I decided to quit and told my co-workers farewell. Upon walking out of the building, my co-worker texted me, saying that they were going to fire me on the same day, but I happened to beat them to it. I asked my co-worker, why would they fire me, since I did nothing to violate a such policy. My co-worker told me that they were going…

I work at retail. The retail I work at is horrible enough for the new hires to leave in their first days and they wouldn't stay for a week. The toxicity is awful in there. They're forcing anyone to take rotational scheduling, even though we are severely understaffed, there is no other options to say no to the rotational scheduling, if we do, they'll put us to part-time. This month I have been thin king about quitting and looking for another job. On the day I decided to quit and told my co-workers farewell. Upon walking out of the building, my co-worker texted me, saying that they were going to fire me on the same day, but I happened to beat them to it. I asked my co-worker, why would they fire me, since I did nothing to violate a such policy. My co-worker told me that they were going to fire me over my call out points being over the limit. I told my co-worker that it cannot be, since I always had it under the limit and rightfully so. I immediately looked online to see how many points I had the call out, it was over the limit by 4 points more than I originally had under the limit. I looked at the date, the date was exact same day I had requested off on the day, and it was approved. I have the proof of texting my assistant managers about the day I requested off and they approved it, also I called in the building, they knew I was out on that day, too. I had proof that it was approved and other instances that it was no way that I didn't show up to work without letting them know. They put it on as if I didn't show up on the day that I was off, resulting adding up large number of occurrences on purpose to get me fired on the same day I quit. I had no idea about this, but I was glad that I decided to quit because the place was horrible enough itself. They wanted to fire me, so they purposefully put the “no-show” in the system so it accumulates over the limit for call outs. Glad I don't work in that place anymore.

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