
I quit my job from and award winning firm because damn…

So im in design. 28F. Have been working for some time for two guys (M~50), pretty good in the field. Winning awards left and right. I quit 2 months ago thought i'd share my story. Names and certain detail were changed. Boss #1 – Let's call him Luigi – The tall one – Believes water has feelings. And should be consumed with minimal kinetic energy between the atoms. Luigi tried to convince me the prehistoric hunting scenes painted in the caves were depicting aliens and their heads were so big because – yes – alien helmets. He also tried to make me feel bad about not having kids yet by casually telling a story about that one woman who regrets not having them. Also he was being extremely sexist, and demening on multiple occasions. Boss #2 – Let's call this guy Heraldo – The Knowall secrety angry one – Loves…

So im in design. 28F. Have been working for some time for two guys (M~50), pretty good in the field. Winning awards left and right. I quit 2 months ago thought i'd share my story. Names and certain detail were changed.

Boss #1 – Let's call him Luigi – The tall one – Believes water has feelings. And should be consumed with minimal kinetic energy between the atoms. Luigi tried to convince me the prehistoric hunting scenes painted in the caves were depicting aliens and their heads were so big because – yes – alien helmets.

He also tried to make me feel bad about not having kids yet by casually telling a story about that one woman who regrets not having them. Also he was being extremely sexist, and demening on multiple occasions.

Boss #2 – Let's call this guy Heraldo – The Knowall secrety angry one – Loves to hunt animals for sport. He hid the fact he was sick due to covid for weeks (at the office). He believes covid is a way for the goverment to see who's obedient enough to wear masks. He threw his keyboard at a desk once. Fun guy.

And here's me – 28F – working alone with them – everyone quit. I did everything and more. Stayed after hours, did everything as per their specifications and with attention to detail. Days listening to them arguing about aliens, war in ukraine and politics. So one day i just couldn't take it anymore so i pulled the old “raise or i'm gone” card.

Their answer was “oh we can't pay you that much… but that is NOT because you're a woman”. They felt the need to say that.

I found a job 2 weeks after i quit. I heard they havent hired anyone since. I'm not the type to blast them out in public IRL. But i do hope the word gets out…

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