
I quit my job without notice on Friday. Unsafe conditions, abhorrent treatment, and casual human rights violations. The owner did not take it well.

Quit for a better paying job that started immediately. Wrote a thoughtful email explaining I'm done and the owner lashed out and tried to be cruel, so I politely tore him a new one. My initial resignation stated I felt unsafe and was concerned for staff and customers. I told him his staff deserve more and they deserve better, that his management team's behaviour is unacceptable. For context, they have staff quitting mid-shift about once a month. They lose about 3-4 members of staff a month. They humiliate, berate, manipulate, and lie to staff to get their way. And in front of customers. Two staff and one customer were injured on site in the last week. Here is his response, followed by mine. Hi OP, Disappointed with your email first and foremost. All I would say is that it is telling that you didn't at least show me the respect…

Quit for a better paying job that started immediately. Wrote a thoughtful email explaining I'm done and the owner lashed out and tried to be cruel, so I politely tore him a new one.

My initial resignation stated I felt unsafe and was concerned for staff and customers. I told him his staff deserve more and they deserve better, that his management team's behaviour is unacceptable.

For context, they have staff quitting mid-shift about once a month. They lose about 3-4 members of staff a month. They humiliate, berate, manipulate, and lie to staff to get their way. And in front of customers. Two staff and one customer were injured on site in the last week.

Here is his response, followed by mine.

Hi OP,

Disappointed with your email first and foremost. All I would say is that it is telling that you didn't at least show me the respect of speaking to me about any grievances especially considering how you were given all the support and time off you required only a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I expect nothing else.

If you could arrange for anything belonging to mannerstons (workwear etc) to be posted back or dropped in at your earliest convenience.

Your P45 will be emailed over to you on Friday.


I understand that it can be upsetting when faced with hard truths, that there are some things in life we would prefer to ignore than face up to and change, even if it's for the better. I know that having staff quitting on you isn't ideal and I know my departure is certainly not ideal for you or the rest of the team, but the reality of all of this is that staff will not stay when they do not feel safe nor respected by an employer. They will also not air their grievances to an employer who treats them incredibly poorly.

It really is unfortunate that I must cut my time with you short, but you and I both know that I have been respectful, courteous, and hard working in these last few months (even if a little silly and sassy, at times). I challenge you to ask any member of staff, builder, delivery driver, or passerby there if I have not been kind, not shared a laugh with them, or not offered them a hand where and how I could. Ask yourself the same, please. My intentions have always been clear and I have done nothing but be respectful and try my best to help you.

My efforts to communicate with you and your management have shown me that my opinion, my work ethic, and thereby any grievances I may have are irrelevant.

Per my previous email, I am grateful that you showed some basic human decency and allowed me unpaid leave to mourn the loss of a loved one. Of course, should you have refused to keep me on at that time I would have had no issues leaving sooner. Nevertheless, I am still grateful for it; though I am sorry that you feel you must stoop to throwing basic acts of kindness into the faces of those who have needed it in an effort to inflict some form of emotional distress. If anything, this has further reinforced my desire to leave and justified my reticence to come to you with more issues.

I will return the key and fob, as well as the aprons and chef jackets within the next couple of days. I assure you that even still, my intentions will remain as they always have been: good. I will always wish you well.

Best wishes,

P.S. While we are here, please feed your staff your literal food scraps. Preferring to throw your food into the bin than allowing the people who help you day in and day out to eat it is outrageous.

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