
I quit yesterday & it was the most satisfying thing ever

A few days ago my boss asked an employee to come in two hours early to their shift. They were ten minutes late & didn’t receive a write up. (Write ups for tardy is normal here) Then Tuesday, my boss asked me to come in to work ON MY DAY OFF & I agree. I forget my store keys and end up being 6 minutes late. I am written up. I’ve noticed I’ve been written up for a lot of things when I shouldn’t have. Yesterday was the last straw. I signed the stupid thing, thought about it and waited. Same boss calls me into the office to discuss next week’s schedule. Had the audacity to say “it’s going to be crazy next week sorry for the 4 clopen/12hr shifts it’s just that everyone has to pull their weight.” I nodded, then looked at him and said “damn u right…

A few days ago my boss asked an employee to come in two hours early to their shift. They were ten minutes late & didn’t receive a write up. (Write ups for tardy is normal here) Then Tuesday, my boss asked me to come in to work ON MY DAY OFF & I agree. I forget my store keys and end up being 6 minutes late. I am written up. I’ve noticed I’ve been written up for a lot of things when I shouldn’t have. Yesterday was the last straw. I signed the stupid thing, thought about it and waited. Same boss calls me into the office to discuss next week’s schedule. Had the audacity to say “it’s going to be crazy next week sorry for the 4 clopen/12hr shifts it’s just that everyone has to pull their weight.”
I nodded, then looked at him and said “damn u right it is gonna be crazy next week cause I quit.” I grabbed my shit and walked out. I wish you all could have seen how big his eyes were they almost popped out of his head.

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