
I realized my job “accidentally”underpaid me by 6k so I quit. I just got my final paycheck and they didn’t pay me for my last day.

I worked at this company for 2 years, regularly working 12-14 hour days. When I brought up my pay discrepancy to HR they tried to claim my salary was lower than it actually was. Thankfully I had my true salary in writing from my boss. I attached the proof so fucking fast it made their heads spin and they corrected it, citing that “they have no idea how this discrepancy happened.” Sure. After that experience, I decided to leave the company altogether. My last week, I worked Monday, Tuesday, and half of Wednesday. I just got my final paycheck and only got paid for Mon and Tues. I’ll be writing a strongly worded email tomorrow regarding the legality of wage theft. Working hard and putting in overtime doesn’t do ANYTHING. You won’t get promoted because you work yourself to death. They’ll just try and find ways to try and take…

I worked at this company for 2 years, regularly working 12-14 hour days. When I brought up my pay discrepancy to HR they tried to claim my salary was lower than it actually was. Thankfully I had my true salary in writing from my boss. I attached the proof so fucking fast it made their heads spin and they corrected it, citing that “they have no idea how this discrepancy happened.” Sure.

After that experience, I decided to leave the company altogether. My last week, I worked Monday, Tuesday, and half of Wednesday. I just got my final paycheck and only got paid for Mon and Tues.

I’ll be writing a strongly worded email tomorrow regarding the legality of wage theft.

Working hard and putting in overtime doesn’t do ANYTHING. You won’t get promoted because you work yourself to death. They’ll just try and find ways to try and take advantage of you. Get EVERYTHING in writing. Take screenshots of everything your boss promises you. At the end of the day, the company will try and fuck you sideways. Don’t let them.

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