
I really don’t want to finish my two weeks but I would like finish out on a good note.

Recently put in my two weeks and my supervisor, naturally, tried to talk me into staying. I told him that I just feel like my personal 100% no longer meets my expectations or theirs and that I feel like I just need to try something different. He said that was fine and that he’s values me as a worker and person and that I’d be welcomed back with open arms if it comes to that. Well, this is technically my last week since I put in my two weeks Monday and I’m going on vacation next week. So far, this week sucks. The general manager in our store isn’t talking to me; I have a feeling our supervisor said something to piss her off about not making my want to stay or she’s just mad because she’ll have to make adjustments. We’ve also had two people quit, one person get…

Recently put in my two weeks and my supervisor, naturally, tried to talk me into staying. I told him that I just feel like my personal 100% no longer meets my expectations or theirs and that I feel like I just need to try something different. He said that was fine and that he’s values me as a worker and person and that I’d be welcomed back with open arms if it comes to that.

Well, this is technically my last week since I put in my two weeks Monday and I’m going on vacation next week. So far, this week sucks.

The general manager in our store isn’t talking to me; I have a feeling our supervisor said something to piss her off about not making my want to stay or she’s just mad because she’ll have to make adjustments. We’ve also had two people quit, one person get fired, and one person out due to pregnancy sickness, and they all work evenings. The GM doesn’t seem to care much about us having to work harder because of this and isn’t actively trying to help the situation. I closed last night with two people (it’s usually three closers with a manager) and we didn’t have overnight maintenance. I woke up this morning feeling like I got hit by a truck.

I close again Friday night and I just know it’s gonna be just as bad. I don’t want to go in but I want to leave on a good note.

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