
I really genuinely don’t understand the managers perspective on stories that get posted here and I was a manager.

There is a post on here about management having a problem with a fellow worker getting in trouble for going to the hospital on unpaid leave and even going as far as to make sure they have low work before going to the hospital for a chronic illness. Dude has 6.5 days of unpaid leave total. Not that alarming even though I don't know how quickly that was wracked up but also. My dude has the courtesy to check with the immediate manager to make sure that it's a slow day they can handle. Firstly just inform me “hey I am not feeling well” I will work with what I have. If numbers are down I'll deal with it. Schedule around it ask for help. Then tell the higher ups we need to higher more help for situations like this. But instead they ream the worker and are surprised when…

There is a post on here about management having a problem with a fellow worker getting in trouble for going to the hospital on unpaid leave and even going as far as to make sure they have low work before going to the hospital for a chronic illness.

Dude has 6.5 days of unpaid leave total. Not that alarming even though I don't know how quickly that was wracked up but also. My dude has the courtesy to check with the immediate manager to make sure that it's a slow day they can handle. Firstly just inform me “hey I am not feeling well” I will work with what I have. If numbers are down I'll deal with it. Schedule around it ask for help. Then tell the higher ups we need to higher more help for situations like this.

But instead they ream the worker and are surprised when he leaves.

Let me talk about attendance and effective workers for a second. I am talking to managers right now. There are stats that matter and stats that do not matter. If Billy is consistently 10-15 minutes late but slays at work and gets shit done. It doesn't matter. This is not school it is not our job to teach people how to function in society. 2 things matter.

Thing one “Does the job get done well?” If yes anytime higher ups bitch point out that shit gets done well and they shouldn't mess up a good thing. If you talk good end game stats they don't usually care.

Thing two “Is it a pleasant work environment?” People work better when they are relaxed and in a good mood. If someone looks stressed talk to them about it. Help them get out/ deal with whatever they are dealing with so they can focus on the work. You do not even have to give advice you can just listen. Then adjust your shift to compensate for the event.

Is it really so fucking hard to not be a dick. Also if you have a sudden emergency you are the first sub. What ever it is you tell the worker to go take of what they have to take care of and you finish whatever they were in the middle of. After the immediate is taken care of you can slow down a section and try to get a sub or adjust your shift to compensate. But if you do I good job of thing 2 you'll find your staff want to help cover for you when something happens.

Finally remember whose fucking team your on. You probably make like what $1 more than the other people when your managing. That means you have more in common with them than you do mister bottom line. Stand up for your staff don't blame them. You are actually on the same team as them, not corporate.

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