
I received a written warning for 5 absences since the beginning of this year, when I have documented health issues that the company is aware of

I figured this was the best place to post since y’all know what you’re talking about! I’ve been with this current company for about a year and a half, and throughout this time they’ve been aware that I have some chronic health issues. I actually made them aware of this at the time of my hiring just to be completely transparent, and the hiring manager (who unfortunately isn’t here anymore) told me it would be totally fine, that they would work with me, and that “if you’re sick, you’re sick.” Since February I’ve called out 5 times, two days I was sick with a severe cold or something like that (I was actually sick for about three weeks but only called out the two days because I didn’t have more sick time than that), and the other 3 days it was either calling out after feeling crappy following a procedure…

I figured this was the best place to post since y’all know what you’re talking about!

I’ve been with this current company for about a year and a half, and throughout this time they’ve been aware that I have some chronic health issues. I actually made them aware of this at the time of my hiring just to be completely transparent, and the hiring manager (who unfortunately isn’t here anymore) told me it would be totally fine, that they would work with me, and that “if you’re sick, you’re sick.”

Since February I’ve called out 5 times, two days I was sick with a severe cold or something like that (I was actually sick for about three weeks but only called out the two days because I didn’t have more sick time than that), and the other 3 days it was either calling out after feeling crappy following a procedure or that I just felt ill due to my chronic illness.

The manager basically just read from the script to me, said it was a warning not a write up and that it would go in my file. I asked him to confirm that 5 absences due to illness in three and a half months was considered excessive, and he said that it was. I used sick time for all except the most recent one.

I just find this upsetting because I’m not like…just skipping out on work for fun or something? Every time I’ve called out there’s genuinely been something wrong, and I personally don’t think the amount is even at the point where it would be considered causing undue hardship? Idk he started saying that I may need to look into taking medical leave and stuff like that but that doesn’t make any sense for my situation right now.

I guess I just wanted to vent/look for thoughts on this? It just feels upsetting and bad 🙁

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