
I requested five days off for my girlfriends birthday vacation. I was declined. The vacation was supposed to be tomorrow, but because I was declined, I canceled all the reservations. I got taken off the schedule the day before the vacation.

Words can’t even explain how absolutely infuriated I am right now. The job I’m at right now makes me never want to have a job again. Let me get started: it’s not just this that is a problem. The truth is, I have worked at this job for three months and I’ve only made about $400. They have worked me 10 hours a week maximum. on top of that, I have been penalized by my boss for going through the proper measures to swap my shift with someone for a final exam. My car broke down, and I was stranded, and I told them I wasn’t going to be able to make it to work. I also got penalized for that. I had also requested vacation time off for my girlfriend’s 21st birthday. I gave them a very long notice, and this workplace picks a lot of favorites. One person…

Words can’t even explain how absolutely infuriated I am right now. The job I’m at right now makes me never want to have a job again. Let me get started: it’s not just this that is a problem. The truth is, I have worked at this job for three months and I’ve only made about $400. They have worked me 10 hours a week maximum. on top of that, I have been penalized by my boss for going through the proper measures to swap my shift with someone for a final exam. My car broke down, and I was stranded, and I told them I wasn’t going to be able to make it to work. I also got penalized for that. I had also requested vacation time off for my girlfriend’s 21st birthday. I gave them a very long notice, and this workplace picks a lot of favorites. One person got the entire month off, and everybody else had to suffer because of it. Come to find out, this particular employee is best friends with the main manager. so not only is there blatant favoritism, but I am about to go into work today. When I find out I was taken off the schedule the day before my vacation was supposed to be. Not only am I missing my girlfriends birthday, but I’m also not making any money. I am absolutely infuriated with this job. I’m going in and confronting my boss today. That is absolutely unacceptable.

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