
I shouldn’t feel bad for this but…

For context I work at a fancy resturant on the river. I get paid $28.15 AUS per hour. Decent pay… but there's a massive physical and emotional toll. I've been working there for about a year and two months, and I need to move in two weeks. My coworkers aren't… exactly the kindest to me. We can hold basic work related conversation, maybe a few different ones if we're in good moods. I'm autistic, I have a mild joint condition that causes my minor joints to dislocate (it's not painful anymore, only when I'm pulling on a dislocated joint or relocating it) I also get severe back pain, and the autism related issues make it very hard for me to work in the environment. I do it anyway, and I try my damn best each shift. My coworkers don't appreciate me, except one. I give my all but it's never…

For context I work at a fancy resturant on the river. I get paid $28.15 AUS per hour. Decent pay… but there's a massive physical and emotional toll.

I've been working there for about a year and two months, and I need to move in two weeks.

My coworkers aren't… exactly the kindest to me. We can hold basic work related conversation, maybe a few different ones if we're in good moods. I'm autistic, I have a mild joint condition that causes my minor joints to dislocate (it's not painful anymore, only when I'm pulling on a dislocated joint or relocating it) I also get severe back pain, and the autism related issues make it very hard for me to work in the environment. I do it anyway, and I try my damn best each shift. My coworkers don't appreciate me, except one. I give my all but it's never enough for them, even if I'm in tears in pain and overstimulated. We get the job done, I can usually keep up for the most part and get my area tidy, so I dont understand their problems with me.

So the reason I mentioned I'm quitting in two weeks is because I am, and my coworkers are not happy that /I/ haven't found my replacement. Since when was that my responsibility right? I posted on instagram every few months trying to get people to hand in their resumes. That's as best as I could do. I don't have a large platform, and a lot of my followers are friends from America, or friends that aren't fit for the kind of environment I've subjected myself to.

I feel bad. But I told them back in June that I was moving this January. People have quit, we currently have 5 employees including me, and the resturant hasn't made any effort to put out SEEK applications. They had so much time to prepare for the holidays itself, along with my move, so it's not my problem right?
I even gave my boss, someone I like, tips on what I personally look for on SEEK and how those things will attract new employees in detail.

I just- I feel bad? I feel bad for leaving my coworkers, who don't even treat me with respect or kindness (but did before we got our head chef who isn't my boss anymore, whos probably the reason for everyone burning out this bad and using me, the most vunerable person in the kitchen as the scape goat) without anyone to fill in for me. I work 35 hour weeks, that's a lot of doubles between four people on 14 hour days for 5 days. I know it isn't my responsibility and the resturant should have prepared but fuck- I even stayed an extra two weeks to make sure I wasn't leaving them during the busiest period. I just- urgh. I don't want to leave them with a bad taste in their mouths about my work ethic, but they leave one with me with their bad attitude sometimes.

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