
I stood up to my boss about a company policy that requires hourly workers to work their first 15 minutes unpaid.

I’m a supervisor at work. During a meeting today we were going over our expectations for our technicians. I was told that the techs need to arrive to the clinic and set up for their session 15 minutes before their session is scheduled to begin. I agreed that it was best practice and then asked “is it paid”. The answer was “no”. I asked “why would we tell our techs to work if they aren’t being paid”. Another supervisor rationalized it saying that the techs should be grateful they get to work in the clinic (clinic means full time hours) and thats the price they pay. I straight up said that I am not going to enforce that rule unless they are paid for their time. My boss agreed and said she would take it up the ladder. I spent 9 years in poverty as a tech. Low hours, decent…

I’m a supervisor at work. During a meeting today we were going over our expectations for our technicians. I was told that the techs need to arrive to the clinic and set up for their session 15 minutes before their session is scheduled to begin. I agreed that it was best practice and then asked “is it paid”. The answer was “no”. I asked “why would we tell our techs to work if they aren’t being paid”. Another supervisor rationalized it saying that the techs should be grateful they get to work in the clinic (clinic means full time hours) and thats the price they pay. I straight up said that I am not going to enforce that rule unless they are paid for their time. My boss agreed and said she would take it up the ladder.

I spent 9 years in poverty as a tech. Low hours, decent pay but when you only work 15 hours a week, it shakes out to be very little. I never made more than 20k/year. Now I’m a supervisor and I will not let my techs be taken advantage of. Fuck their shitty labor practices.

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