
I strongly disagree with people who ask for bonusses after X years of work

I regularly see people here who complain/are upset about receiving a token for X years of work. Or when leaving after having spent X years at a company. Isn't the whole goal of this subreddit to display the unfairness in the current system? Managers who expect people to come to work out of holidays. Getting paid next to nothing and getting tips taken. Being bombarded with loads of extra work so the company can make a couple more dollars you will never get to see. I get the disappointment. But the reward for your years of work should be years of fair and decent compensation. Normal benefits like days off when sick. Or time off when someone is pregnant. At the end of your years of work you should be left with a decent pension. Not a fancy fountain pen. I see a bunch of people hating on the concept…

I regularly see people here who complain/are upset about receiving a token for X years of work. Or when leaving after having spent X years at a company.

Isn't the whole goal of this subreddit to display the unfairness in the current system?

Managers who expect people to come to work out of holidays. Getting paid next to nothing and getting tips taken. Being bombarded with loads of extra work so the company can make a couple more dollars you will never get to see.

I get the disappointment.

But the reward for your years of work should be years of fair and decent compensation. Normal benefits like days off when sick. Or time off when someone is pregnant.
At the end of your years of work you should be left with a decent pension. Not a fancy fountain pen.

I see a bunch of people hating on the concept of a company being a “family”. Which is fine. But then also realise that if you take that, work is just work. That does not mean that a worker should be seen as just a number. But in my ipinion it should mean that wages are enough compensation.

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