
I suggest a new…

…currency! Make it crypto or not crypto, i dont care. The unique thing with this currency is that you can only have X of it, as in, being filthy fucking rich is not possible. And the second thing about this currency is, that the filthy rich and 1% are not allowed to have any from the get go. they can play with their now, instantly, worthless dollars, pounds and euros or whatever. this is obviously not doable, and more of a joke, and not thought through at all, so /s but im just fed up with these sociopaths ruining everything.

Make it crypto or not crypto, i dont care.
The unique thing with this currency is that you can only have X of it, as in, being filthy fucking rich is not possible.

And the second thing about this currency is, that the filthy rich and 1% are not allowed to have any from the get go. they can play with their now, instantly, worthless dollars, pounds and euros or whatever.

this is obviously not doable, and more of a joke, and not thought through at all, so /s but im just fed up with these sociopaths ruining everything.

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