
I think 30 minute lunch breaks should ALWAYS be paid out

I think it’s ridiculous it’s not a requirement for breaks to be paid out. I’m not clocking out if im still at work! That 30 minute I took on my lunch isn’t more time im able to spend, taking care of the house, paying bills, mowing the lawn, going to the bank, going shopping, or running any errands. If there is a 30 minute period at work that I’m not being paid then I should be able to leave 30 minutes early, but that’s not the case. No one gets compensated for the 30 minute to an hour drive to work or the drive back so the least they can do is pay us for our breaks.

I think it’s ridiculous it’s not a requirement for breaks to be paid out. I’m not clocking out if im still at work! That 30 minute I took on my lunch isn’t more time im able to spend, taking care of the house, paying bills, mowing the lawn, going to the bank, going shopping, or running any errands. If there is a 30 minute period at work that I’m not being paid then I should be able to leave 30 minutes early, but that’s not the case. No one gets compensated for the 30 minute to an hour drive to work or the drive back so the least they can do is pay us for our breaks.

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