
I think I am going to lose my mind. It feels like my body is just kinda failing.

I currently work as an Admin Assistant and I am genuinely abused by my job. Yelled at, cussed at, I am genuinely so stressed out about going to work in the morning I am actively shaking and sick to my stomach. Do not get me wrong, I make mistakes but I don't think I should get cussed out as a result of my mistake. For my birthday last week, I got to choose a place to go for lunch! Great, I told my coworkers what I wanted to eat the day before. Well, the place that I wanted to go to was pretty busy for lunch I guess. My coworker (older lady let's call her Y) snaps her head around as soon as I walk in the door and asks me if I made reservations. I said, “no, no one told me that I needed to make reservations, so I…

I currently work as an Admin Assistant and I am genuinely abused by my job. Yelled at, cussed at, I am genuinely so stressed out about going to work in the morning I am actively shaking and sick to my stomach. Do not get me wrong, I make mistakes but I don't think I should get cussed out as a result of my mistake.

For my birthday last week, I got to choose a place to go for lunch! Great, I told my coworkers what I wanted to eat the day before. Well, the place that I wanted to go to was pretty busy for lunch I guess. My coworker (older lady let's call her Y) snaps her head around as soon as I walk in the door and asks me if I made reservations. I said, “no, no one told me that I needed to make reservations, so I didn't think about it.”. Apparently, she made reservations for her own birthday lunch but I had no idea because I was out very, very, sick with the flu that week. But like, who in their right mind expects someone to make their own birthday reservations? I had to choose a different place nearby and the lunch was actively terrible. Luckily I was able to take a deep breath because the rest of the office flew out to a board meeting the next day.

Fast forward to today, we were doing a credit card batch. (this includes printing an invoice and the email that the order came in on ) I messed up a little bit because I forgot to print three out of my, like 10 invoices. So that was on me (I fulfilled the orders. I just forgot to print them), well there was one invoice that was missing for my boss. She and my Coworker were accusing me of being irresponsible, started looking in my email inbox because they didn't believe me, got really irritated, and mad at me, and it turns out that there was a system error and I never received the email. I never received an apology just a “well I guess you're clear this time”. I just felt mortified.

Later on (meaning like ten minutes after the previous incident), after this happened, I asked my boss a question about maybe taking a large mailing project home, since two weeks earlier, she berated me in front of the entire office about how “I am a salaried employee, I should have taken the previous mailing home instead of figuring out ways to get out of it* ” (see my previous post).* She told me that I shouldn't be bringing stuff home and that she talked to the admin board saying that I shouldn't actually qualify as a salaried employee so I shouldn't do anything outside of my scheduled 40 hours. She said that she “got her ass chewed by the board” for telling me to bring stuff home. I told her I just wanted to make sure, and that I am sorry that happened and she, and I swear to god this is word for word, said “The board also said that your job is an 8 to 4:30 job, and if you can't finish your job within those hours you have bigger problems on your hands. Do you catch my drift?”

I feel like I am choking, every time my boss or Y walks up to my desk my mouth gets dry, I start to sweat and get sweaty palms, my heart races, and I feel sick to my stomach. I have a job interview coming up that I am really looking forward to, but I don't know how to keep my sanity until then.

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