For some background I WFH in marketing,
Last week I was really sick with the flu and since I work from home I didn’t notify my employer. I was just a bit slower when doing tasks (which are not micromanaged or measured) it’s just at our own pace.
Anyways, my boss sent me a message saying he wanted to meet one on one every Tuesday to “build a cadence on activity.” And I’m not sure what that means. In the past I haven’t had any issues and have been praised for my work. I’ve been in this position for a few months now. Today he said he wanted to go towards a different direction on a project I was working on. Very vague.
What do you guys think? Should I start applying at other jobs? I have really bad PTSD from a past job that i had great reviews on and out of nowhere fired me because “i wasn’t a good match.” So I’m pretty much thinking the worst.