
I think I’m starting to understand some roots of bullshit middle manager shenanigans.

I noticed it when seeing that the ones who are problematic either Got their initial position within a company thanks to nepotism, so since they entered the workforce higher than those who work for them, they don’t see them as valuable. They struggled under toxic leadership to the extent that they think what they do is to be expected of their position. Are from an older generation that has developed negative views of young people so automatically attribute laziness to any struggles they face as opposed to anything they can help or fix.

I noticed it when seeing that the ones who are problematic either

  1. Got their initial position within a company thanks to nepotism, so since they entered the workforce higher than those who work for them, they don’t see them as valuable.

  2. They struggled under toxic leadership to the extent that they think what they do is to be expected of their position.

  3. Are from an older generation that has developed negative views of young people so automatically attribute laziness to any struggles they face as opposed to anything they can help or fix.

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