
I think my boss tried to blackmail me?

I’ve been working for this company since November. I have over ten years of experience in this field and came in hot out the gate— the team I manage loves me, the clients love me, etc For context: The pay is good but MY boss (area manager, AM) doesn’t know jack about our field. We work in education enrichment and she came from a large corporate coffee chain. She has repeatedly given advice to employees that is against state regulation and could get us shut down. She had all the managers under her (including me) read Dare to Lead and talked about how “back channeling” is an issue for our area that we all need to work on. Back channeling, as I understand, is essentially gossip related to work. Idk about you all, but that sentiment gives me “women gossiping is witchcraft!”-puritanical vibes of wanting workers to mindlessly agree and…

I’ve been working for this company since November. I have over ten years of experience in this field and came in hot out the gate— the team I manage loves me, the clients love me, etc

For context:
The pay is good but MY boss (area manager, AM) doesn’t know jack about our field. We work in education enrichment and she came from a large corporate coffee chain. She has repeatedly given advice to employees that is against state regulation and could get us shut down.

She had all the managers under her (including me) read Dare to Lead and talked about how “back channeling” is an issue for our area that we all need to work on.

Back channeling, as I understand, is essentially gossip related to work. Idk about you all, but that sentiment gives me “women gossiping is witchcraft!”-puritanical vibes of wanting workers to mindlessly agree and be complacent with corporate. Back channeling IS happening, but because we don’t feel she hears our concerns or responds with the support or knowledge we request, so obviously, we’re critical.

Because she has directly caused major safety concerns and has been absolutely clueless and unsupportive (and unproductive in 1:1 meetings with me about it) I decided to quit.

I told her I would give a two week notice to step down from my position out of respect for my team and to help them with a transition. She offered me another position (with murky and ever evolving details) that would cut my work hours (which I wanted because I was working nearly 12 hr days most days) and I accepted.

Well, she fucked up staffing and kept asking me to extend my two weeks. I love my team so I agreed to prolong my exit. I ended up extending my notice a few weeks as a result.

This week I get an offer I can’t refuse for another agency. I tell her this and let her know I will be finishing out the time we agreed for me to stay at my current site but after that I will be finished and not transition to the other position.

She responds with:

“It’s typical in our agencies and all others to give two weeks notice. If you want to leave in good standing and be eligible for rehire you may want to reconsider your last day of working. The other site needs time to develop a plan for your absence.”

Keep in mind I have never even set foot at this other site. I have not been in their system or on their books. I’ve spoken with their manager and she said she actually didn’t have work for me when I was set to arrive next week anyway. Why do I need a two weeks notice for a job I haven’t worked, in a position I didn’t start, and have never been paid for.

I responded I gave her my two weeks notice back on the 9th of January and as courtesy extended that notice THREE times. I said (in writing) that I’m disappointed that after extending my notice as a courtesy, I’m being told I will not be in good standing unless I work another job for less pay, that I’ve never even worked, for two more weeks. And I asked to connect with HR which of course now she’s suddenly very available for a phone call only.

I told her “thanks but no thanks” and that I would continue the conversation with HR. I know HR serves to protect the company and not me, but my hope is I can at least get a paper trail going.

I always document everything and have notes on every meeting I’ve had with her. If anyone has more tips or ideas about this process lmk

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