
I think my job just lied to get me fired?

Last week was my 1st week at a new job. Very well paying factory job. Thursday, they had me lifting 60-80 pounds over and over. I told them my arms were going to jello and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it up. Long story short, my arms shot out on me and I dropped 77 pounds on the top of my foot. Bruised it pretty bad but that's it. The next day, I call the safety manager and I am told to rest it until Monday and we'd go from there. I come to work last night and I can tell the higher ups are acting differently towards me. I even text my friend and tell him about it. Well this morning, I get a call that I've been terminated for no call no show. They told me that the safety manager told them I was…

Last week was my 1st week at a new job. Very well paying factory job. Thursday, they had me lifting 60-80 pounds over and over. I told them my arms were going to jello and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it up. Long story short, my arms shot out on me and I dropped 77 pounds on the top of my foot. Bruised it pretty bad but that's it. The next day, I call the safety manager and I am told to rest it until Monday and we'd go from there. I come to work last night and I can tell the higher ups are acting differently towards me. I even text my friend and tell him about it. Well this morning, I get a call that I've been terminated for no call no show. They told me that the safety manager told them I was supposed to come in Friday, but he told me to take the day off and rest it over the weekend and come back in Monday. Wtf is going on? He told me one thing but apparently told them something else and now I'm out of a very high paying job. Can I do anything about this?

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