
I think the phrase “you can’t put a price on human life” is doing more harm than good at this point. It’s allowing corporations to get away with shit.

Think about it. It makes human life sound valueless. So let’s put a price on human life! $1B. Every time a company puts profit over people. Every time a worker dies due to negligence or overwork. Every time life saving medicine has an obscene profit margin. Every time they’re found using actual CHILDREN as a labor force. Fine that company $1B. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

Think about it. It makes human life sound valueless.

So let’s put a price on human life!


Every time a company puts profit over people. Every time a worker dies due to negligence or overwork. Every time life saving medicine has an obscene profit margin. Every time they’re found using actual CHILDREN as a labor force.

Fine that company $1B.


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