
I told management to not schedule me due to surgery. I got scheduled anyways

So I had to get surgery for my wisdom teeth on Friday and I told management about this on Tuesday of the week BEFORE the surgery which is more than enough time to cover my shift. I have to include that of course, that week shifts were not going to be a problem at all. So here is when Brony (the manager in charge of servers) enters, he is the server manager and I went straight up to him to inform him that I would be unavailable, he tells me to remind him the next day, next day comes and I remind him again and I can tell he is bothered by this by his reaction. He asks me which days I need and I go “Friday, Saturday, and Sunday” and then he asks me “But if the surgery only takes one day why do you need more” which I…

So I had to get surgery for my wisdom teeth on Friday and I told management about this on Tuesday of the week BEFORE the surgery which is more than enough time to cover my shift. I have to include that of course, that week shifts were not going to be a problem at all.

So here is when Brony (the manager in charge of servers) enters, he is the server manager and I went straight up to him to inform him that I would be unavailable, he tells me to remind him the next day, next day comes and I remind him again and I can tell he is bothered by this by his reaction. He asks me which days I need and I go “Friday, Saturday, and Sunday” and then he asks me “But if the surgery only takes one day why do you need more” which I replied with a poker face and “Because there is something called recovery. I CANT WORK like that Brony”, he says “I'll see what I can do” and leaves. Okay, working there for a long time I know that Brony tends to forget (or more like ignore) most server requests so I went with Brick (IDK what he is in charge but he is a manager as well).

I told Brick the situation and that it's been two days almost three and the new schedules are almost up and that I won't be here next week, he tells me if I already told Brony and I was like “yeah but I want to tell someone else in case he “forgets”, Brick laughs and he's like “I got you bro”, he immediately changes the schedule and next day when it's posted I have no shifts for next week! Sweet.

Cue to the day BEFORE my surgery I check my schedule again (just because) and lo and behold I have a shift for Saturday and a shift for Sunday when I clearly had those days off approved (not that I was going in anyway). I call the restaurant and another manager fixes it up for me but he says he needs to talk with Brony about it, I mention that Brick is also aware and he gave me the green lights. The third manager takes those shifts off right away as well and now I'm in the clear.

In the end, nothing wrong happened and I did not get scolded but goddamit dude. This is why people:

1- Don't like Brony.

2- Quits the restaurant.

These guys need to get their shit together and treat us better. I'm sure that if I was to come in with my swollen face and spitting blood Brony would have not given a shit about it. He does not respect us and our schedules and he constantly changes schedules without previous advice and then is like “Well you should be always looking at the schedule” and there have been more problems like that. That guy has misogyny records as well in the restaurant so he is in “the line” to get fired or someshit (or so I've heard, I'm not aware of all the gossip).

Overall it sucks how Brony just said “yeah fuck this guy and fuck the other manager's approval Imma schedule him anyways lmao”.

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