
I truly often believe there is still hope for Generation Z and so forth in regards to going against this system

So earlier today I saw a post of a Gen X taking the time to appreciate Millenials and the comments were consisting of love towards Gen Z for being more frank with our honesty towards this ultra-captilastic shitstorm we've been putting up with for years on end now. While I still believe the world is still going to shit, it does my heart well that we are finally able to wake up and stop feeding the lies Boomers indoctrinated us with, trying to make us feel we are worth it and in need of “The American Dream”, when time and time again has proved to us this system is willing to shackle us in debt with minimum wage jobs that barely pays our rent, feeds our kids and so forth. I know this post may not get through or mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I just…

So earlier today I saw a post of a Gen X taking the time to appreciate Millenials and the comments were consisting of love towards Gen Z for being more frank with our honesty towards this ultra-captilastic shitstorm we've been putting up with for years on end now. While I still believe the world is still going to shit, it does my heart well that we are finally able to wake up and stop feeding the lies Boomers indoctrinated us with, trying to make us feel we are worth it and in need of “The American Dream”, when time and time again has proved to us this system is willing to shackle us in debt with minimum wage jobs that barely pays our rent, feeds our kids and so forth. I know this post may not get through or mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I just want everyone to know to keep pushing the good fight even if some of us don't have any hope left to give to the rest of the community.

That's all folks!

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