
I used to complain about my job until my wife got her new job.

I started off jealous when the company mailed her all this awesome equipment for her office. Top of the line stuff. I was also jealous all summer when she would not work in the A.M so she can go to the pool. Later she would come home around 6pm and work till midnight. They called it “flex time”. Later on around September, it became a 8am – 12am, flex if available kind of job. They don't officially give her a break because they offer “flex”. They also offer the option to work ahead, meaning she completes some of her tasks for the next day ahead of time. Problem was, the work load just piled on the next day. This week she has been put in time out, meaning she cannot use her “flex time” because she was written up. I just laughed as I commuted to my personal misery. Honestly…

I started off jealous when the company mailed her all this awesome equipment for her office. Top of the line stuff. I was also jealous all summer when she would not work in the A.M so she can go to the pool. Later she would come home around 6pm and work till midnight. They called it “flex time”. Later on around September, it became a 8am – 12am, flex if available kind of job. They don't officially give her a break because they offer “flex”. They also offer the option to work ahead, meaning she completes some of her tasks for the next day ahead of time. Problem was, the work load just piled on the next day. This week she has been put in time out, meaning she cannot use her “flex time” because she was written up. I just laughed as I commuted to my personal misery. Honestly speaking my job doesn't seem so bad anymore.

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